Copyright © 2025 Shelly Jamison Utah Realtor
Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is having their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 16th at 9am in the West Complex of the Sports Park.
Spring Clean up begins April 25th and runs through May 7th. There will be dumpsters located at Abbey Court Park, Centennial Park, Sierra Park, Sports Park and downtown (300 N 100 E). The hours are 7am-9pm and they are closed on Sunday’s. Check out https://www.spanishfork.org/departments/public_works/garbage/cleanup.php for more information.
The Youth Arts Festival is June 6-17 with registration starting on May 4th at 12am. Go to https://www.spanishfork.org/departments/parkrec/arts/yaf.php for details.
For the whole month of April, the Springville transfer station (2450 W 400 N) will be having a Household Hazardous Waste collection. Go to https://www.suvswd.org/compost for what is and what isn’t allowed.
Food Truck Fridays have begun in the City Park at 49 S Main Street. They will continue through Summer most Friday’s from 5-8:30pm.
Did you know that Spanish Fork City has a text feature? You can text the following numbers during business hours:
In case you missed it….
The Spring real estate market is in full swing! Now, more than ever, you need an experienced agent to help you maximize your profits when selling and guide you through the sometimes challenging process of buying. Wanting a discount on selling your home is understandable but not if you’re leaving money on the table. When dealing with the most expensive decision of your life, you want someone that has a pulse on the current market!
Interest rates have climbed rather quickly but we are still at historic lows. Don’t be paralized with the market. Let’s chat about your options and what that looks like for you. Reach out to me through social media for a free consultation!